Weekly links: Advocacy2.0, development2.0, knowledge worker2.0 and office2.0

18.08.2007 | Christian Kreutz
  • GlobalGiving Decision Markets GlobalGiving is a platform to initiate projects and find partners for them. In August, they started a kind of stock-market experiment to speculate about which project has the greatest chance of succeeding on GlobalGiving.com (via Giulio)
  • How wiki software is changing communication Although I think it is the people and not the software who change communication, this great articles describes how the United Nations use wikis, internally and worldwide, to discuss on development. "Imagine millions of people connecting with world leaders and thinkers to discuss, debate and collaborate on everything from global politics to climate change."
  • Focuss: Search engine for the development field and international cooperation Focuss is an effort to collect different information sources over social bookmarking and google custom search. I tested the search engine and the results were okay. However, I am, in general, not convinced about the advantage of google custom search. Does it really give better search results than a conventional google search?
  • Knowledge worker2.0 "Knowledge management (and therefore knowledge work) is largely stuck in the past, with a focus on process and tools." A great presentation about the social and technological shift of knowledge management.
  • Office 2.0 Database I have not seen yet anywhere else such a comprehensive list of web2.0 software for the office: From bookmarks, over group manager and presentations, to web conference.