Mapping the 400+ ICT4D Twitter members

25.08.2009 | Christian Kreutz

Inspired by a post on ICTWorks, I have compiled a comprehensive list of 400 ICT4D twitter members. Almost a year ago, I started a second Twitter account for news around ICT4D. I had previously offered the ICT4D feed (subscribe) for a while and publish the best pieces of that feed on Twitter. Although the feed has around 30 resources each day, it also attracted already some 50 subscribers.

A year ago, only a few people were twittering around ICT4D topics, but nowadays, a year later, Twitter has developed into so many niche topics and brought so many people together interested in ICT4D. Twitter offers new ways to find synergies and the people who are part of it might not otherwise get to know so much about their topics. More importantly, it becomes a fascinating community tool, which helps spread ideas around ICT4D and lessons learnt – something that is much needed. I have uploaded a list of 400 users in a Google Spreadsheet, and I am still sure I have most probably missed some people.

Therefore, if this is your case, **please feel free to add yourself in the open spreadsheet **or add users in the comment area. I have also included the location information from each account, so most users are represented in a map. It is already looking nicely populated. What do you think?

``Update: Please be patient to see the map. It can take longer. (sorry!) Thought that Google map gadget works well quicker. Click here for larger map.

Update 2: The map shows only one marker per city, so be sure to check the table below for the full list. `` Download the list as an Excel file (26/08/09) or export yourself the latest version in Google spreadsheets.

By the way, it is quite nice what you can do with Google Docs these days. Every table with geographic information can be transformed in such a map. I wrote about it in another post on the web2fordev gateway. You may want to follow web2fordev also on Twitter.