Presentation: A journey to the world of Maptivism

17.05.2010 | Christian Kreutz

A while ago I was asked, by Markus Beckedahl, to present something on maptivism at the re-publica conference.  And even though I am still exploring this new field, I tried to give an overview of the fascinating world of maptivism.

Here is a video of my presentation (33 min.), which also shows the slides I have included below. The first two minutes are in German (in the beginning I forgot I wanted to held the presentation in English in the first place). The presentation covers a lot of what I have been blogging about here and there, but I also included some other great examples. The re-publica took place this year and, thanks to the organizer,  a lot more international and inspiring people got together in Berlin. It was great discussing digital activism with Sokari Enkine, Sam Ben Gharbia, David Sasaki, Rolf Kleef and Tobias Eigen.

Watch my presentation here.

First two minutes in German then in English!

Maptivism - Maps for Activism, Transparency and Engagement

View more presentations from Christian Kreutz.


Two days after, I joined the Open Data Hackdays, which I really enjoyed. I am often a bit critical about the missing engagement from the German social media scene for politics and transparency. But these two days I got to know an enthusiast group of people.